Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The other male in my life.

I sure hope that last night made it real evident how positively IN LOVE with Scott I am. :) However, I have an admission. There is another male in my life, and there has been for the past 11 years.

Today was yet another momentous occasion for the Stringer Zoo. My fabulous, red, golden retriever, Eli, arrived at his eleventh birthday. We celebrated by singing "Happy Birthday" to him and sharing the remainder of our spaghetti with the dogs. I swear they were smiling tonight.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am absolutely smitten with my pups. I truly enjoy sharing my life with these furry companions. They make life so much richer, and I love to observe them and their absolute zeal for life.

Nearly 11 years ago, Scott and I arrived at a trailer in the back woods of Northern Florida to look at a litter of golden retriever puppies. It was raining, so we donned a pair of black ponchos to shield us from the weather. I had my heart set on coming home with a blond female puppy, but as Scott and I tromped through the mud in the yard, this little, damp, dark red male puppy kept following us. I think it is appropriate to say that Eli chose us, we didn't choose him. :)

Eli is one special dog. He loves everyone he sees, and greets our visitors with a true doggie smile. He loves to cuddle with me when Scott is gone, and will often sneak up on the bed in the middle of the night when I am too dead to the world to reprimand him. He loves to play fetch with anything lying on the floor, and wrestles with Abbey like he was still a puppy.

Eli and I share a bond that I doubt I'll experience again in my lifetime. He seems to read my moods, and will change his behavior as he anticipates my reaction in any given situation. Eli and I have worked together over his lifetime on obedience and flyball. He just wants to please me and find the closest tennis ball. He is a joy to work with.

I'm so thankful to have had this amazing dog in my life for the past eleven years. I'm thankful for every day I have with him.


GoughRMAK said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELI!! He is such a wonderful dog. Even coming home from a LONG day at Disneyland, when he comes at you smiling with a ball, you can't help but throw it for him. I don't think I have ever seen a dog smile like he does.

Your dogs are like your kids. I would take them anytime.

Enjoy the time you have with him. He probably won't be too happy when Scott comes home and won't be able to sleep on the bed.


60 toes said...

He sounds like a Calvinist. :) choosing you and all.

We love Cooper's uncle. I must admit the first time he smiled at me I was scared, but now I am used to it.

Happy Birthday, I remember the day that your parents brought you home to Whiting Pines. :)


Nana said...

I was walking in the Canyon one day with Eli and he "smiled" at a lady coming the other way. She jumped back. I calmed her by telling her that was his special smile for her, and to look at his tail. They became instant friends after that.

Hope said...

Happy b-Day Eli! When we were there this weekend he slept with me! He was sooo cute! He would just lay there and whenever I would move he would come closer! I hope u guys have him for more then 3 more years! He is a joy to be around when everyone in that house is in a grumpy mood! Us flyballers will love him even when he is retired! I hope I can have that joy with Zeba! Thank u Stringer girls for a wonderful weekend! I loved it! Would love to do it again! Can't wait untill we get the girls the whole night alone! Love u all and I am keeping u in our prays!!!! Thanks
Hope Beane
P.S. Eli make sure no stranger comes into that house ungreeted or if that person is a bad one make sure u tell Janell!

Auntie Mo said...

Okay Janell - you got the tears flowing again. I absolutely now what you mean about the bond between you and Eli. I have never met another dog that is more human than Eli and I actually look forward to spending the night at your house so that Eli and I can cuddle. It will be a sad day when he is no longer around and he will leave a void that will not be fillable. I don't know what it is about him, but you are right, he is an amazing dog.