Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One of my (many) addictions

It is so easy for me to be consumed by things that I enjoy. I can very easily become passionate about my latest "hobby" and go all out in an effort to immerse myself. As my husband, children, and dear friend Melody can attest, I am addicted to fabric. "Hello, my name is Janell and I am addicted to material."

I had thought that after all of my Christmas stitching (ALL but 2-3 gifts were homemade this Christmas, 98% of those were stitched up by myself and the girls), I might be sick and tired of my sewing room and sewing machines. Hmmm. This is definitely not the case. I'm sure that Scott had hoped that the piles of fabric in downstairs living areas would disappear once my Christmas sewing was done. However, they have just been replace with other types of fabric. Poor man.

This weekend I am going to be granted one of my hearts desires - Scott is taking all the girls, and dogs up to his folks house. I am going to have the entire house to myself, no responsibilities, no one calling "Mommy" when I'm in the middle of a crucial project. I can stitch and serge to my hearts content. (Or at least as long as my eyes will still focus on the sewing needle.) I am sooooooooo excited!!!

"The only place where housework comes before needlework is in the dictionary".
--Mary Kurtz, "The Needlework Times" April, 1978.


GoughRMAK said...

I am thrilled for your time alone (and a little jealous!) Just teasing, it is well deserved time off! You know, everytime I see you, I help purge fabric. Does Scott need me to come over for the weekend?

Soon enough, I can come over anytime and purge away! :)

Have fun!

PS I've actually been having fun sewing these purses. It is kind of relaxing.

60 toes said...

Have fun, that sounds like a great weekend.

Are you all heading back East? Mel's comment made me wonder.

If you feel the urge to make a new sling you can send it my way. :) Or better yet, just purge an old one.

Anonymous said...


60 toes said...

I was wondering how the weekend of sewing was going.

I would be honored to have a couple of hand me down slings. Can you write a blog post on the art of wearing your baby? :)

We also want to see a post of all of the projects you completed this weekend.

Have fun!!!!!

Liz said...

Ditto 50 toes about an update of the weekend of sewing! Man I'm going to be a serious blog stalker once you move, boo hoo for me! Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for sUperbOWl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristen said...

Hey Stringers!
I found you through 50 toes. It is so fun to see how things are going for you. Check us out over at
Boy it's been a LONG time!!!