Sunday, May 18, 2008

Making progress again

We were able to hit the road around 1pm today and made it across Iowa to Rock Island, IL, just across the Mississippi River. Hoping to make it to the Cleaveland area tomorrow, and Pax River by Monday evening. Trailer looks great. 4 new tires. Abbey's tummy is doing better, but she gets more and more neurotic with every day in the car. We finally had to buy a restraining bar to keep her from crawling over or around the back seat of the Suburban into Emily's lap. We also found some homeopathic sedatives for her (Chamomile, Triptophane, and such). The drive went smoother after we "calmed" her down.

The "sudden" climate change has been a bit of a shock. Just a couple days ago, we were bundled up in 4 ft of snow in Montanna. Now we're sweating amongst mosquitos. Bizarre. Two more days on the road. We can do it.


Hope said...

You guys are lucky to have snow. I think it is 100 right now. Let me tell ya IT IS HOT!!! We have to go up to orange county for some family things and it is going to be smokin!! Keep up the photos. I love seeing the girls!! They are getting so big!!!
pray warrior for the stringers
Stringbeane #3

Nana said...

We are so glad you are on the move and doing better. I'm sure Abby will be very happy to be out of the car soon.

Love, Nana and Papa