However, after 3 days of rain in Chicago, I'm beginning to realize why most people don't ever entertain the idea of living in a trailer for an extended period of time. The leak in the window above my bed didn't get any worse, but it definitely didn't get any better either. My bed stayed dry, but I had to use up every hand towel I had to absorb the steady drips. (Now that we are out of the rain, I'll be picking up some silicon sealant at the next hardware store I see.) I was very worried this morning that I may have developed another leak near my bed, as I found a small puddle of water near a wardrobe. Come to find out, it was just condensation dripping down a window and pooling on the floor. When it is raining outside, almost non-stop, I can't keep the roof vents open to allow the humid, exhaled air to escape, resulting in foggy, condensation covered windows. (Oh, and your bath towels don't dry either, ever.)
This morning was my first experience in tearing down camp while in the rain. I kept waiting all through breakfast for the steady, but light, rain to let up so I could get unhooked from power and water, and hitched up to the truck. No such luck. So, out I went, in my PJ pants, and a fleece jacket, to disconnect and hitch up. What an adventure. I think everything I touched was cold, clammy, and covered with mud. I was a sight by the time I called for Katelynn to come help me get into position to hitch up. Katelynn was a brave, non-complaining, girl, ready to help - as long as she had the Vera Bradley umbrella. (Yeah, I caved, and bought a VB umbrella on a recent shopping trip with Melody. Let me tell you, I am soooooo thankful I did!!!)
My reasoning for going outside while still in jammies was since I knew I was going to get all dirty while getting ready to leave, I would just take my shower once we were hitched and ready to go. Great thought, not so practical in implementation. We were running into the 11am checkout time for the campground, and I really just wanted to be on the road, heading OUT of the rain. So I threw on clothes, and stunk up the car as I drove.
This brings me to one reason why I LOVE my trailer. The girls and I eventually pulled off the road for lunch and after cooking soup and making sandwiches for the girls, I hopped into the shower. :) Katelynn said that she was embarrassed that her mom showered behind the McDonald's. I said it was better than having to get back into the truck with me as dirty as I had been. How cool it was to have a hot lunch for the girls - that I didn't have to pay oodles for - and take a hot shower while they ate!
Hey, it is the simple things in life that make me happy. :)
Anyway, now that I am surrounded by piles of clean sheets, I'm going to head for bed. (After I make it of course.) But here is the only picture I have of the truck and trailer all hooked together. Just to give everyone an idea of how big we are as we chug down the road. Night all!
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