Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Oh me, oh my. Where does the time go?

I can hardly believe that it has been four weeks since my dear hubby returned home! I'm sorry for the lack of posts, we've been catching up with each other, and rebonding as a family. We've had visitors from out of town (smile and wave Kendigs!) and we've generally had a great time. However, today the bubble burst. :) Scott went back to work, and the girls and I began school yet again.

7:30 came around way too early for my girls, they were complaining every step of the way. However, they couldn't dampen my enthusiasm to get back into a routine. So, I boldly began my 5th year of homeschool. Katelynn is now in 4th grade, Emily is in 2nd, while Beth is "officially" joining her sisters in school as a pre-K student. I say "officially", because I'm doing school with her, but it isn't in any government record anywhere. *giggle*

The day went extremely well, we even made it to sign language class 5 minutes early! (Everyone knows that is a Superman sized feat for me.) Beth loved showing off how much she learned when Daddy dropped by unexpectedly for lunch, and has eagerly soaked up any signs that Katelynn and Emily have shown her with their vast 1 hour of experience.

It felt good to get almost everything on my "To Do" list accomplished today. Heck, I've even managed a short blog, right? I will get some pictures up of the reunion. I've been mulling it over for the past week, and keep procrastinating because I just can't seem to come up with the "right" words. I think I'll just give up on "right" and just "write."

I've missed connecting with everyone online. I can't wait to catch up on my blog reading over the next week! :)


Hope said...

Thank you Janell! It was great to see you as a family again! I feel so bad because I have been working hard on Zeba at practice and not playing with your girls. (and you) I am soo sorry. When Zeba gets really fast then I can play!! Hope to see you again next Sunday! Love y'all!

60 toes said...

Welcome back, you have been missed in the blogosphere.

GoughRMAK said...

Hey, nice to see you back online. I've missed both of your writings. Looking forward to seeing th photos when you get there.


Hope said...

UM did u get the pictures up now???