Saturday, May 17, 2008

Almost ready

Quick status update. Today was actually a very pleasant and relaxing day. The trailer damage repair estimate was less than $1000 (not including replacing 4 tires... we have no confidence in the original tires now). Repairs should be done by mid-morning tomorrow, and we'll be on our way again. We enjoyed a picnic in the park today, found some geocaches, and Janell bought some yarn at a local shop. Dinner at IHOP was a horrid experience, but we'll just try to forget that. Well, maybe not "horrid", but this was hopefully either our waitress' first day on the job or her last.

We're hoping to hit MD late on Monday (with 3 aggressive days of driving) or early on Tuesday. We're not going to commit at this point and just make it as far as our nerves and kids will allow each day. Sorry, Kailtin. I'm getting her there as fast as we can! Either way, we should be there before school lets out on Tuesday.

Thanks for your prayers. We definitely were aware of God's provision and comfort today.


Nana said...

I really like the idea of four new tires.

GoughRMAK said...

What an awesome God we serve! When things look so bleak, only He can turn it around!

Kaitlin is hanging in there. Knowing you guys will be living here and not just in for a visit makes a huge difference! Plus, I told her however many more days it takes to get here is that many less days of school to do.

See you real soon!!
(Come visit anytime Nana!!)
