Before Beth was born, I was in a fabulous routine! I even made my bed at 4:00 in the morning, in labor, as Scott and I prepared to drive to the hospital for Beth's birth. :) However, that was 2 kids, and 4 homeschool years ago. What worked then isn't necessarily working now.
I do definitely need an accountability partner. One who isn't "Born Organized", and who has to remember to wipe the counters down after dinner. Otherwise my random, sidetracked ways won't be understood. Any volunteers?
OK, all of this is written to kind of explain the picture I'm putting in todays post. Years ago, I read in one of my various Flylady e-mails that a woman made the tedious task of washing her kitchen floor more fun by using sanitary napkins. She used the adhesive to stick the pads to her feet, and she "skated" around the floor spraying a cleaning solution in front of her as she went. (I'm guessing that this was before the Swiffer WetJet came out.) Needless to say, this vision has stayed in my head, and I just HAD to try it.
I'm not courageous enough to try this on my own, but the Lord has blessed me with a few volunteers, or conscripted prisoners. The girls are almost always willing to try Mom's crazy ideas for making housework more fun. Even Emily was game!
More recently, I gave Katelynn, Emily and Beth the Swiffer WetJet and some sanitary napkins to get the floor clean while I worked in another area of the house. One girl was armed with the mop - and the cleaning spray, while the other two "ice-skated" away, trying to clean the tile, but stay out of reach of the spray.
Each girl took a turn being armed with the Swiffer, while the others stayed just out of reach. I don't think my floor has been that clean in a while. :) They did a fantastic job, I got a ton of laundry folded, and we all enjoyed laughing at our silliness.
Isn't life fun???
I need to remember to buy some sanitary napkins (something I no longer need to keep on hand (mabe more info than needed)) for the next time the crew is here.
Maybe I could try it with the dogs and the cat. Do you suppose they would go along? I'll definately take picutes if I try it.
You make me laugh. I need to remember to have more fun like that. Although with a boy in the house, I don't want to go into detail as to what those are really for. Nuff said!! Love the picture!
And, I thought I was the crazy aunt in the family. I'll cede my title to you.
Thanks for the great laugh and the picture. I've been trying for years (unsuccessfully) to put my cats to work, but I don't think Nana's idea is going to work.
May I borrow your girls?
Aunt Lucy,
The girls will work for peanuts (cashews, actually). Let me know when you want them! :) ~J
The girls (even Beth) have figured out that Papa is good for hard cash around here.
Aunt Lucy is good for cash (and cashews). But, I don't want to start a competition with Papa. He definitely has precedence.
And, J, I'd take your girls any time. They're terrific!
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