Today marks the end of Katelynn's 9th year here on earth. Before I blink again, she'll be into the double digits. Katelynn got numerous phone calls wishing her Happy Birthday, even a surprise one from Daddy! She had a great two-part conversation with her best friend Kaitlin (the one in Maryland). Two-part because my cell phone battery died in the middle of the call, and we had to get home to finish the call.
Katelynn requested that she take two friends to a local ceramics cafe for a time of painting, and giggles, LOTS of giggles. So, I picked up Rachel and Kaitlin (the one from California) and we headed to Day Dreams cafe. Katelynn picked a puppy and a cross to paint, Emily chose a puppy, Rachel chose a dolphin, and Kaitlin picked out a dragon. It took us close to two hours to get all our items painted and then clean ourselves up. (I painted too, a small platter.) Then we walked next door for Subway sandwiches, and ran home for presents and Oreo birthday cake.
My ears are still ringing from all the talking and giggling. Between the sugar and company, Katelynn was just whirling by the end of the night. I really don't know how long it took for her to fall asleep tonight. Fortunately, we have a field trip tomorrow, so there won't be too much intense book work for school.
I've said to many people how much I love this 8-11 year old age. Katelynn has become such a fun little person to be around. We share several of the same loves: reading, crafting, friends, so talking with her has become more interesting than the "I want" stage that her younger sisters are in. There is more give and take in our conversations now.
Katelynn has also begun to take on much more responsibility than I would have thought possible for a nine-year-old. For example, on Sunday afternoon I had several things that had to get done in order to get all of us out the door for a holiday party with our flyball team. Katelynn stepped in and chopped broccoli, put cookies onto the cookie sheets to bake, mixed up the spinach salad, packed a bag, and was continually asking how she could help. I'm so proud of her!
Katelynn relishes her spot in the family as the oldest sister. Once in a while I have to reign in her "enthusiasm" and remind her that it is my job to be the Mom, but for the most part, she is extremely helpful. She shares a bedroom with Hailey, which has helped those two cement their bonds to each other. Hailey adores Katelynn, and will happily jabber away in her crib while Katelynn reads or gets ready for the day. Our mornings will often start with me reading my bible downstairs, enjoying my first caffeine buzz. I'll hear the elephant feet stirring upstairs, then the sounds of Katelynn and Hailey "talking" to each other will float down. Eventually, bump, bump, bump... Katelynn and Hailey will come sliding down the stairs, Hailey sitting on Katelynn's lap, hanging on with a death grip, and Katelynn sliding from one stair to the next on her heiny. It never fails to make me smile.
I've been so blessed by God to be able to partner in raising this extraordinary girl. It is truly a joy to be able to be with her during the day. Her mind is so sharp, and quick to absorb whatever scholastic challenge I lay down. I pray that the Lord will continue to guide Scott and I as we raise her, teach her and love her.